EZ000111G: Z AIOps Hands-on Labs: Dashboard Customization and Data Analytics with ZLDA and Elastic Stack

IBM Systems Training

on November 08, 2023


2 min read

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Table of Contents

  1. Short Summary
  2. Duration
  3. Content Description
  4. Objectives
  5. Agenda
  6. Audience
  7. Skill Level
  8. Labs?
  9. Keywords
  10. Prerequisites
  11. Enrollment
  12. Errata
  13. Follow-on Courses

Short Summary

You will learn how to create advanced Z AIOps use cases, design custom visualizations and dashboards, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the availability of your Z Systems.

Duration in Hours ⌚


Content Description

In this course, you will gain hands-on experience in advanced dashboards customization and learn how to leverage Z Operational Log and Data Analytics with Elastic Stack to extract contextualized insights from your z/OS operational data. By building your own customized dashboards, you will be able to analyze your data and fix real-world CICS performance issues using data-driven decisions. Upon completion of this course, you will have the skills and knowledge needed to create advanced Z AIOps use cases and design custom dashboards to enhance the availability of your Z Systems.


Through hands-on lab exercises, you will learn about how to:• Create advanced Z AIOps use cases and design custom dashboards to enhance the availability of your Z Systems• Leverage out-of-the-box dashboards or customized dashboards to identify the root causes of anomalies and make data-driven decisions• Develop advanced data visualizations and dashboards on the Z Data Analytics platform and Elastic Stack


Through hands-on lab exercises, you will learn about how to:• Create advanced Z AIOps use cases and design custom dashboards to enhance the availability of your Z Systems• Leverage out-of-the-box dashboards or customized dashboards to identify the root causes of anomalies and make data-driven decisions• Develop advanced data visualizations and dashboards on the Z Data Analytics platform and Elastic Stack


Systems Administrator, IT Services, Developer - Software, Data Center Technician, Data Scientist

Skill Level


Labs? 💻



EZ000111;Z AIOps; Mainframe data visibilty; Data visualization; Dashboard customization; Open-source analytics; Root cause; EZ000111G






None specified.

Follow-on Courses


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